
ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award

For significant contributions in Optics and Photonics

The ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award recognizes the work of young researchers from developing countries who are active in optics and photonics research and have contributed to the promotion of research activities in in their own or another developing country.

Candidates must be under 40 on 31 December of the year for which the Award is given.

The International Commission for Optics (ICO) and the ICTP established the Award in 2000.  In September 2007, the ICTP and ICO agreed to dedicate the Award to the memory and legacy of the late Prof. Gallieno Denardo, who greatly contributed to the development of optics research within ICTP and in developing countries.

The ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award includes:

  • Invitation and financial support provided by ICTP to attend the ICTP Winter College at Trieste
  • Award ceremony with representatives of ICO and ICTP and invitation to deliver the Award lecture at the Winter College
  • A  Diploma
  • A cash award of US$1000 provided by ICO
In honor of

Prof. Gallieno Denardo

A scientist dedicated to building sustainable science

Gallieno Denardo studied at the University of Trieste and graduated in physics in 1965. He was a professor at the same university, specializing in Relativity.

Professor Denardo was associated with ICTP since the Centre's inception. He served as head of the Office of External Activities for 10 years as well as a consultant of the Office after his retirement up until his last day.  From July 2002 to October 2003, he was appointed Acting Administrative Director. He was instrumental in  establishing and running all ICTP activities on optics and lasers, including the Laboratory and the ICO/ICTP Award.

Denardo was one of the Centre's loyal, cheerful and active friends. With creativity and dedication, he helped to establish and run other programmes—among them, the Sandwich Training Educational Programme (STEP)  in collaboration with the IAEA.

In 2005 Denardo received the SPIE Educator Award for his efforts in promoting optics in developing countries.  He was especially devoted to enhancing optics research and training in Africa.


Before 31st December:

An email with all the documents must be send by the nominator to the chair person of the ICO Award: Prof. Nathalie Westbrook (

Documents to be sent:

  • Signed letters including each nominator’s current affiliation and business address, describing the achievements for which the candidate is nominated for this award

  • A separate pdf file with a full CV of the nominee indicating the date of birth

More information can be found here

The Awardees

Omnia Hamdy Abdelrahman Nematallah, Gustavo Grinblat
Prize not awarded
Muhammad Faryad , Christian Tomas Schmiegelow
Jehan Akbar , Mati Horprathum
Maria Florencia Pascual Winter , John Fredy Barrera Ramirez
Svetlana V. Boriskina
Hector Manuel Moya-Cessa
Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn
Imrana Ashraf Zahid , Revati N. Kulkarni
Robert Szipöcs
Alphan Sennaroglu
Arashmid Nahal , Luis Fernando Perez Quintian
Arbab Ali Khan