
Consortium for Scientific Computing


ICTP is committed  to Open Science, or making research available to all, regardless of borders. This includes open access to the computing resources required to harness the rapidly growing power of Artificial intelligence or quantum computing. Scientific computing is central to many fields and has provided insights beyond theory or experimentation, in endeavors ranging from the projection of future climate changes, the design of new materials for clean energy, and the analysis of the large amounts of data produced in particle physics experiments and cosmological observations.


The ICTP International Consortium for Scientific Computing (ICOMP) aims at closing the gap between rich and disadvantaged regions of the world in harnessing the potential of computational sciences through several actions:

  • implementing higher education and career programs in modern and interdisciplinary computational sciences;
  • enhancing international research collaborations in the field of computational science, building a community of scientists from developing countries working with modern computational tools to extend scientific frontiers in fields of direct impact for sustainable development;
  • establishing an international network of key players in the area of high-performance computing (HPC) to ensure to this community the access to world-class facilities for cutting-edge scientific research.

ICOMP is meant to close the circle between all fundamental components (education, resources, technical skills and scientific insight) required in modern research, with the objective to establish structured research initiatives, fostering the birth of world-class research initiatives that would consolidate after a few years. 

ICOMP will provide scientists from around the world with an integrated platform to exchange information, access resources, receive training, and contribute to the advancement of the rapidly evolving and expanding research field of computational sciences. This will create the ground to build ecosystems for advanced scientific computing in developing countries,  educating generations of scientists, capable of delivering interdisciplinary research, as well as high-level technical experts, that can lead the economic transition. This will extend the impact of the ICOMP initiatives far beyond the scientific world, revolutionizing industry and strategic areas.

Thanks to its historical strength in the field of scientific computing and to its global scientific network, ICTP is ideally positioned to lead global efforts to enhance the impact of scientific computing in addressing the scientific challenges that are at the core of a  sustainable future for the Earth.


Working Group

Erika Coppola (Research Scientist, ESP section)

Jean Barbier (Research Scientist,  QLS & MATH sections)

Ali Hassanali (Senior Research Scientist, CMSP section)

Ralph Gebauer (Senior Research Scientist, CMSP section)

Ivan Girotto (ICTS/MHPC)

Serafina Di Gioia (Senior PostDoc, ICOMP)

Coordinator: Sandro Scandolo (Senior Coordinator of the ICTP Research Division and member of the CMSP section)



  • CECAM - Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire
  • CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord est Italiano Per il Calcolo Automatico
  • CSCS - Swiss Supercomputing Center
  • GESDA - Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator
  • MHPC - Master in High Peformance Computing
  • NITheCS - South African National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences  
  • VEGA - Slovenia's High Performance Computer
  • SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
  • South African GovernmentDepartment of Science and Innovation


Join us

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Consortium for Scientific Computing News

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Internationalsymposium on scientific computing
Global experts discuss the future of scientific computing at ICTP symposium with key stakeholders…
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
Claudio Arezzo, Head of the MATH section
ICTP’s MATH section explores various key areas of mathematics
MHPC alumnus Alexander Christhoper Trujillo Ochoa
On Friday 1 March, ICTP and SISSA celebrated the joint programme’s 10th anniversary
Stéphane Mallat in the ICTP Budinich Lecture Hall
2024 Salam Distinguished lecturer Stéphane Mallat on the dialogue between the two disciplines
ICTP greetings
ICTP researchers and staff discuss the impact of AI on their lives and work
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP researcher wins ERC grant to study quantum many-body systems via network and complexity theory
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
AI Alliance
ICTP among elite founding members of AI Alliance coordinated by IBM  
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP partners with Open Quantum Institute
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Diploma student: Ronald Cortes
Ronald Cortes - Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics