The students of the 7th cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics (MMP) will receive diplomas during a hybrid (part online part in presence) graduation ceremony to be held on Wednesday 15 December at 11:30 am, Trieste time.
A two-year advanced training programme in the field of medical physics, the MMP is jointly organised by ICTP and the Trieste University and co-sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The first year is spent at ICTP while the second year is dedicated to clinical professional training in a Medical Physics Department of an Italian hospital of the training network, supported by the Italian Association of Medical Physics (AIFM). The International organisation for medical physics (IOMP) has given an international accreditation to the programme.
The programme is supporting LMI countries in the development of medical physics, an applied physics sector contributing to the development, introduction and use of advanced technologies in the medical sector.
More details about the tentative programme of the event and speakers are available here. The programme includes an invited lecture by Professor Vesna Sossi of University of British Columbia, USA, on "PET/CT/MRI applications: opportunities and challenges".
Those wishing to participate via Zoom will need to register in advance at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f4ahAaw9Q76DI0kIKEVNvg. After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the ceremony.
Alternatively, the ceremony can be viewed on ICTP's YouTube channel.