On Friday 23 September, ICTP will host a Joint ICTP-SISSA Colloquium by Ivano Tavernelli of IBM Quantum on "Quantum computing for applications in physics and chemistry". The talk will take place in ICTP's Budinich Lecture Hall starting at 15:00.
Tavernelli will begin his lecture with an overview of the state-of-the-art of digital quantum computing from a hardware and software prospective. He will present applications in many-body and high energy physics, focusing on those aspects that are relevant to achieve quantum advantage with near-term and fault tolerant quantum computers. In particular, he will focus on recent results in electronic structure calculations, lattice gauge theory, and quantum dynamics.
More details about his talk are available here.
Ivano Tavernelli studied biochemistry (MSc, 1991) and then Theoretical Physics (MSc, 1996) at the ETH Zürich, where he also obtained a PhD in 1999. In December 2014 he joined the IBM Research-Zurich laboratory in Rueschlikon, Switzerland.