ICTP operates under a tripartite agreement between the Italian Government, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and ratified by an act of the Italian Parliament in January 1995. ICTP is a UNESCO Category 1 Institute.
Since 1996, UNESCO has been responsible for the administrative management of the Centre, prior to which it was administered by the IAEA. Each party has a representative on the Centre’s Steering Committee, which sets general guidelines for the Centre’s activities, determines budgeting levels, and considers proposals from the Director for the programme, work plans, financial plans, and budget.
The Director of ICTP is responsible for all scientific and administrative aspects of the Centre, working closely with the Centre’s Steering Committee and Scientific Council for strategic direction. He is assisted in his functions by the following people, each of whom oversees specific sections. To request an appointment with the director, please contact the Secretariat, specifying the purpose of the meeting, at or +39 040 2240 373.
Antonio Masiero, Chair

Lidia Arthur Brito

ICTP also has a Scientific Council that comprises distinguished specialists in disciplines relevant to the Centre's activities who represent a broad geographical range. The Council advises ICTP on its programmes of activities, taking into consideration major academic, scientific, educational and cultural trends relevant to the Centre's objectives.
Professor Giulia Galli

Professor David Gross

Professor Jeffrey A. Harvey

Professor Marc Mézard, Chair

Professor Giorgio Parisi

Professor Mercedes Pascual

Professor Lisa Randall

Professor Sara A. Solla

Professor Carolina Vera

Professor Aissa Wade

Professor Matias Zaldarriaga

Professor Peter Zoller