Restrictions of all kinds can make it hard to join classes or lectures in person, including disease prevention measures. But luckily, they do not have to get in the way of learning and in the way of science. If you cannot travel to attend workshops or activities, there may be much interesting science material to engage with online. More and more remote learning tools are making it simpler to engage with new knowledge and information: videos, online courses, collaboration applications, video conferencing, the list goes on. ICTP has a huge range of videos and courses available, with multiple ways to explore them. Here are some ways to get started.
ICTP's Library resources are not completely out of reach from far away: the Marie Curie Library has an extensive collection of ebooks. Freely accessible books you can use or escape into include books on emergent quantum mechanics, happiness, deep carbon, lithium-ion batteries, open science, and the gender gap in science. Explore the collection here.
Switching formats, ICTP's collection of videos offers quite a few subjects and speakers. Hosted on YouTube, ICTP's presence covers eight channels, with thousands of videos. Each of ICTP's six research sections has a channel hosting videos from activities in each field, including lectures by invited speakers from all over the world:
- Earth Systems Physics
- High Energy Physics
- Mathematics
- Applied Physics
- Quantitative Life Sciences
- Condensed Matter Physics
In addition, most of the courses offered to ICTP’s Postgraduate Diploma students are recorded and posted on the Diploma programme channel, with subjects ranging from relativistic quantum mechanics and fluid mechanics to many body theory and algebraic topology. Prize ceremonies, graduations, ICTP colloquia, interviews, and general interest videos are collected on ICTP's main channel.
The respected scientists featured in ICTP’s video collection include William Bialek, Edward Witten, Michael Berry, E.C.G. Sudarshan, Carlo Rubbia, Cumrun Vafa, Kip Thorne, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Marc Mézard, James York, Cédric Villani, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Shamsher Ali, Don Zagier, Helen Quinn, Juan Maldacena, and Subir Sachdev. Colloquia, lectures, panels, discussion, courses, and workshops are all part of the considerable assembly of knowledge. Happy learning!