ICTP is planning its 2022 offering of conferences, workshops and schools—also known as its Scientific Calendar—and seeks proposals from the international scientific community for activities to include.
The deadline for 2022 activity proposals is 26 September 2021. Please submit proposals through ICTP's online application system.
ICTP Scientific Calendar activities offer a unique opportunity for scientists from developing and emerging countries—the main target of the activities—to receive training not available in their home countries, and to meet with ICTP’s international network of scientists. Activities are selected on the basis of scientific novelty, impact on the international community with special emphasis on bringing together scientists from South and North, basic training for younger scientists, and hands-on training for computer-intensive subjects. Where appropriate, proposals that combine pedagogical material with advanced research results, that spur new results in an emerging or multidisciplinary field, or that resolve an outstanding or controversial issue, are preferred.
For more details and to submit a proposal online, see the Scientific Calendar proposal guidelines page.