ICTP's Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Unit seeks applications from outstanding young scientists with a strong research record for a postdoctoral position starting May 2022.
The position will include collaboration with ICTP's Earth System Physics (ESP) section, in the area of Internet of Things with a focus on low-cost weather stations. Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to develop scientific instrumentation to support research and operations in developing countries. The research has a regional focus on southern Africa in collaboration with the UNESCO regional office and is connected to the recently launched Be-Resilient project, which includes in its aims the improved monitoring and understanding of climate variability and trends in an array of establish biosphere reserves across the region. The candidate will help to develop and install a set of in situ a series of low cost weather stations and related instrumentation in-region, which will be supplemented by gridded climate data and made freely available to in-region scientists via a dedicated web server at ICTP. Working with ESP scientists, the project will aim to improve the understanding of climate temporal and spatial variability in-region, with potential researching applications including crop production, climate-based insurance, ecosystems and health.
STI relies extensively on laboratories. It provides an engaging research environment with an intense programme of workshops and conferences. The postdoctoral fellow is encouraged to participate in activities in developing countries in order to promote the mission of ICTP and to support the Unit's outreach activities.
Fellows must have completed a PhD in Physics, Computer Science or Engineering or related disciplines prior to the start of their fellowship. They must have prior practical experience in the deployment of Internet of Things platforms and solutions and be able to carry out active, independent and multidisciplinary research. Candidates who have experience in above mentioned research/focus areas and who obtained their PhD after 2015 will be given priority.
ICTP offers internationally competitive remuneration and a number of benefits. The take-home monthly salary will be in the range of 2,100 - 2,700 EUR (depending on experience). Additional benefits include health insurance, a pension contribution, and special allowances for family members. The initial appointment will be made for two years. Candidates should apply online.
The application deadline is 15 March 2022.
For more information please contact: Dr. Marco Zennaro (mzennaro@ictp.it)