The ICTP External Activities Unit is broadening the scope of its Affiliated Centres programme to increase opportunities for scientists from developing countries to participate in ICTP training and education programmes. A call for applications for these new opportunities is now open; the deadline has been extended to 31 July 2022.
Traditionally, ICTP's support to its Affiliated Centres financed postgraduate fellowships for PhD and masters students. The revised scheme goes beyond fellowships by supporting research and training initiatives at an institute or university department in a developing country that has or is planning to develop postgraduate programmes in physics, mathematics or related fields. The precise form of the collaboration between ICTP and the Affiliated Centre may vary depending on the specific needs of the Affiliated Centre. It may focus on research, training, or a combination of both. The idea is to encourage the Affiliated Centres to make use of as many ICTP programmes and offices as possible in order to have maximum impact in research or training in the region.
In particular, postgraduate programmes as well as PhD and early career scientists may be supported and they may also be enrolled in the ICTP/IAEA Sandwich Training Education Programme (STEP) and ICTP's Associate Programme, respectively. This means that Affiliated Centre scientists would have the possibility to visit ICTP for extended periods, and collaborate with their ICTP co-supervisors and collaborators. The Affiliated Centres therefore offer a point of focus for a number of different ICTP programmes which will work in unison. The Affiliated Centre may also benefit exclusively from a master's degree programme in mathematics that ICTP's Mathematics section has established jointly with COMSATS University Islamabad in Pakistan.
An institute or university department in a developing country that has or is planning to develop postgraduate programmes in physics, mathematics or related fields may submit their application through the online application form available here: https://e-applications.ictp.it/applicant/login/3645
The maximum duration of the programme is to be 3+3 years (renewal possibility after 3 years only after careful evaluation). After the second term of 3 years no further renewal is possible. The funds for each year have to be approved based on a successful implementation of the programme and review.
The Affiliated Centre must be located in a developing country.
31 July 2022
Physics, mathematics and related fields.
ICTP will provide a yearly grant to the approved Affiliated Centre of up to 30,000 Euros per year.
External Activities Unit (ex OEA)
ICTP Strada Costiera 11
I-34151 Trieste, Italy
Phone: (+39) 040 2240 553
Fax: (+39) 040 2240 443
Email: oea@ictp.it