Scientific Calendar
ICTP Scientific Calendar
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There are currently no such activities planned in the ICTP scientific calendar.
View the full calendarFabian Aguirre Lopez, LadHyX - CNRS - Econophysics & Complex Systems, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
QLS Seminar - The generalized Lotka-Volterra model with network structure
Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Economy (8th edition) | (smr H698)
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Lecture: Trapped ion systems: controlling ions for quantum simulation and computation (part 1)
Shahram Saeidi (University of Kurdistan, Iran)
CIMPA-ICTP online course "Topics in Nonlinear Functional Analysis"
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Seminar (Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics): Hamiltonian learning and verification of quantum simulators
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 2: Sea Level Rise by Goneri Le Cozannet (BRGM - French Geological Survey) | (smr H701)
Ashoke Sen (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences - ICTS, Bangalore)
HECAP Theory Colloquium by Ashoke Sen - Gravitational Wave Tails from Soft Theorem
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Lecture: Trapped ion systems: controlling ions for quantum simulation and computation (part 2)
Huddle on Quantum Entanglement and Spacetime | (smr 4166)
Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP)
Joint CMSP/HECAP Seminar (part 1) - Quantum simulating lattice gauge theories: ‘particle physics’ with Rydberg atom arrays
James Ingoldby (Durham University)
Joint CMSP/HECAP Seminar (part 2) - Hamiltonian Truncation in the NISQ Era
Barton Zwiebach (MIT)
HECAP Theory Colloquium by Barton Zwiebach - The First 40 Years of String Field Theory
Workshop on TinyML for Sustainable Development | (smr 4057)
Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | (smr 4062)
OWSD Early Career Orientation Workshop | (smr H695)
2024 Dirac Medal and Prize Award Ceremony
Sayantani Bhattacharyya (University of Edinburgh)
HECAP Seminar by Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Title TBA
Joint ICTP-IAEA International School on Nuclear Security | (smr 4063)
Sean Hartnoll (University of Cambridge)
JOINT ICTP-SISSA-UNITS Seminar by Sean Hartnoll (Title TBA)
Masanouri Hanada (Queen Mary University of London)
JOINT ICTP-SISSA-UNITS Seminar by Masanouri Hanada (Title TBA)
HECAP Seminar by José Juan Blanco Pillado, Title TBA
Srijit Bhattacharjee (IIIT Allahabad)
HECAP Seminar by Srijit Bhattacharjee, Title TBA
PWF Sri Lanka - Advancing Computational Material Science: A Workshop on Density Functional Theory (DFT)
*** CANCELLED *** Quantum-NEST International School on Quantum Science and Technology | (smr 4065)
PWF Senegal - Exploring Quantum Frontiers: Empowering Senegalese Students and Researchers in Quantum Computing
6th Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Artificial Intelligence and Climate Modelling | (smr 4067)
Conference on Mixing Times between Probability, Computer Science and Statistical Physics | (smr 4066)
Sumanta Chakraborty (IACS, Kolkata)
HECAP Seminar by Sumanta Chakraborty, Title TBA
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 3: Dynamics of the Climate System by Thomas Stocker (Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research) | (smr H706)
Maker Faire Trieste and Science Picnic 2025 | (smr 4070)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Fusion Energy School | (smr 4069)
Michiru Uwabo (Ochanomizu University/IBS)
HECAP Seminar by Michiru Uwabo, Title TBA
12th AAMP Meeting & EFOMP School | (smr 4071)
EFEF 2025 - 22nd European Finite Element Fair | (smr H690)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Quality Assurance and Dosimetry in X-ray Breast Imaging | (smr 4072)
Joint ICTP-Lincei Conference on Quantum Physics: from Foundations to Emerging Technologies | (smr 4073)
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 4: Ocean and Climate Changes During the Neogene by Eelco Rohling (Utrecht University) | (smr H702)
Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity I: Higher rank actions, random walks and holomorphic dynamics | (smr 4076)
Summer School on Modern Tools in Low-Dimensional Topology; Conference on Modern Developments in Low-Dimensional Topology | (smr 4074)
8th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications - ASESMA 2025 | (smr 4081)
School on Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic Geometry | (smr 4075)
Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity II: Unstable entropy, generalized u-Gibbs measures and classification complexity | (smr 4157)
Suvankar Dutta (IISER, Bhopal)