ICTP not only nurtures good science, it rewards it as well. Every year during a ceremony, the Centre bestows its most prestigious prize, the Dirac Medal, to the world's top theoretical physicists, pioneers in their fields who often go on to become Nobel laureates. On the other end of the scale, the young scientists who complete ICTP's Postgraduate Diploma Programme are celebrated in a graduation ceremony that caps an intense year of study.
ICTP Ceremonies
ICTP Scientific Calendar
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There are currently no such activities planned in the ICTP scientific calendar.
View the full calendarFabian Aguirre Lopez, LadHyX - CNRS - Econophysics & Complex Systems, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
QLS Seminar - The generalized Lotka-Volterra model with network structure
Alexandre Delplanque (LPSM,Paris, France), Rizwan Ullah (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Rubio Gunawan (SISSA, Trieste, Italy), Jose Ferreira Alves (University of Porto, Porto, Portugal)
Dynamics Afternoon
Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Economy (8th edition) | (smr H698)
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Lecture: Trapped ion systems: controlling ions for quantum simulation and computation (part 1)
Shahram Saeidi (University of Kurdistan, Iran)
CIMPA-ICTP online course "Topics in Nonlinear Functional Analysis"
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Seminar (Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics): Hamiltonian learning and verification of quantum simulators
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 2: Sea Level Rise by Goneri Le Cozannet (BRGM - French Geological Survey) | (smr H701)
Manoj Kumar Joshi (Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Austria)
CMSP Lecture: Trapped ion systems: controlling ions for quantum simulation and computation (part 2)
Ashoke Sen (International Centre for Theoretical Sciences - ICTS, Bangalore)
HECAP Theory Colloquium by Ashoke Sen - Gravitational Wave Tails from Soft Theorem
Huddle on Quantum Entanglement and Spacetime | (smr 4166)
Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP)
Joint CMSP/HECAP Seminar (part 1) - Quantum simulating lattice gauge theories: ‘particle physics’ with Rydberg atom arrays
James Ingoldby (Durham University)
Joint CMSP/HECAP Seminar (part 2) - Hamiltonian Truncation in the NISQ Era
Barton Zwiebach (MIT)
HECAP Theory Colloquium by Barton Zwiebach - The First 40 Years of String Field Theory
Workshop on TinyML for Sustainable Development | (smr 4057)
Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics | (smr 4062)
OWSD Early Career Orientation Workshop | (smr H695)
2024 Dirac Medal and Prize Award Ceremony
Sayantani Bhattacharyya (University of Edinburgh)
HECAP Seminar by Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Title TBA
Joint ICTP-IAEA International School on Nuclear Security | (smr 4063)
Sean Hartnoll (University of Cambridge)
JOINT ICTP-SISSA-UNITS Seminar by Sean Hartnoll (Title TBA)
Masanouri Hanada (Queen Mary University of London)
JOINT ICTP-SISSA-UNITS Seminar by Masanouri Hanada (Title TBA)
HECAP Seminar by José Juan Blanco Pillado, Title TBA
Srijit Bhattacharjee (IIIT Allahabad)
HECAP Seminar by Srijit Bhattacharjee, Title TBA
PWF Sri Lanka - Advancing Computational Material Science: A Workshop on Density Functional Theory (DFT)
*** CANCELLED *** Quantum-NEST International School on Quantum Science and Technology | (smr 4065)
PWF Senegal - Exploring Quantum Frontiers: Empowering Senegalese Students and Researchers in Quantum Computing
6th Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Artificial Intelligence and Climate Modelling | (smr 4067)
Conference on Mixing Times between Probability, Computer Science and Statistical Physics | (smr 4066)
Sumanta Chakraborty (IACS, Kolkata)
HECAP Seminar by Sumanta Chakraborty, Title TBA
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 3: Dynamics of the Climate System by Thomas Stocker (Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research) | (smr H706)
Maker Faire Trieste and Science Picnic 2025 | (smr 4070)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Fusion Energy School | (smr 4069)
Michiru Uwabo (Ochanomizu University/IBS)
HECAP Seminar by Michiru Uwabo, Title TBA
12th AAMP Meeting & EFOMP School | (smr 4071)
EFEF 2025 - 22nd European Finite Element Fair | (smr H690)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Quality Assurance and Dosimetry in X-ray Breast Imaging | (smr 4072)
Joint ICTP-Lincei Conference on Quantum Physics: from Foundations to Emerging Technologies | (smr 4073)
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 4: Ocean and Climate Changes During the Neogene by Eelco Rohling (Utrecht University) | (smr H702)
Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity I: Higher rank actions, random walks and holomorphic dynamics | (smr 4076)
Summer School on Modern Tools in Low-Dimensional Topology; Conference on Modern Developments in Low-Dimensional Topology | (smr 4074)
Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity II: Unstable entropy, generalized u-Gibbs measures and classification complexity | (smr 4157)
8th African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications - ASESMA 2025 | (smr 4081)
School on Quantum Topology and Hyperbolic Geometry | (smr 4075)
Suvankar Dutta (IISER, Bhopal)
HECAP Seminar by Suvankar Dutta, Title TBA
Advanced Master in Sustainable Blue Economy - 2nd Session | (smr H699)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Nuclear Energy Management School | (smr 4079)
Summer School on Particle Physics | (smr 4080)
1st Mesoamerican Workshop on Reconfigurable X-ray and Scientific Instrumentation for Cultural Heritage | (smr 4078)
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 6: Role of the Atmosphere and Ocean in the Climate System by Ric Williams (Liverpool University) | (smr H707)
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 5: The Role of the Ocean in Present, Past and Future Climates by Raffaele Ferrari (MIT) | (smr H703)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Advanced Workshop on Single Ion Technologies for Bio-medical and Materials Sciences | (smr 4082)
School on Explicit Arithmetic Geometry | (smr 4083)
Magurele Summer School for Computing in a Rapidly Evolving Society: Parallel Algorithms and Optimizations | (smr 4077)
6th Youth in High-Dimensions: Recent Progress in Machine Learning, High-Dimensional Statistics and Inference & How creative is Generative AI? Perspectives from Science and Philosophy | (smr 4084)
Advanced School and Workshop: StatPhys in Kigali | (smr 4085)
Workshop on Explicit Arithmetic Geometry | (smr 4158)
Workshop on New Pathways in Exploration of Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity beyond Supersymmetry IV | (smr 4086)
Advanced School on Foundation Models for Scientific Discovery | (smr 4088)
*** CANCELLED *** Convening of Early Career Researchers in Solar Geoengineering | (smr 4089)
Advancements in High-resolution Imaging Using Next-generation Light Sources | (smr H700)
ICTP-EAUMP School on Real and Harmonic Analysis | (smr 4087)
2025 AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy | (smr H691)
Joint ICTP-WE Heraeus Conference on Non-equilibrium Quantum Statistical Physics | (smr 4090)
Energy Modelling Platform - Joint Global Training School | (smr 4091)
The CODATA-RDA School and Advanced Workshops for Research Data Science | (smr 4092)
V Joint ICTP-Trieste/ICTP-SAIFR School on Cosmology | (smr 4093)
Joint ICTP-WE Heraeus School and Workshop on Advances in Quantum Matter: Pushing the Boundaries | (smr 4094)
School on Quantum Dynamics of Matter, Light and Information | (smr 4095)
C-13 IUPAP Meeting | (smr H694)
12th Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models | (smr 4096)
Conference on Volcanic Processes: a Variety of Length and Time Scales | (smr 4097)
School on Medical Physics for Radiation Therapy: Dosimetry, Treatment Planning and Delivery for Advanced Applications | (smr 4099)
Conference on Frontiers in Atomistic Simulations: from Physics to Chemistry and Biology | (smr 4098)
School on Parallel Programming and Parallel Architecture for High Performance Computing | (smr 4059)
Advanced School on Climate Modeling, Use and Applications | (smr 4054)
Hands-on School in Quantitative Biology | (smr 4100)
Joint ICTP-IAEA INPRO School on Strategic Planning for Sustainable Nuclear Energy | (smr 4101)
Workshop on Empowering Connectivity: Bridging Space and Earth with DTN | (smr 4102)
2nd Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Open-Source Nuclear Codes for Reactor Analysis | (smr 4103)
The International Reference Ionosphere and NeQuick – Improving the Representation of the Real-Time Ionosphere | (smr 4105)
Joint ICTP-IAEA College on Unlocking Clean Energy's Future: Cost-Effective Strategies for a Low-Carbon World, Including Nuclear Power | (smr 4104)
Career Development Workshop for Women in Physics | (smr 4106)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Nuclear Structure and Decay Data: experiment, theory, and evaluation | (smr 4107)
Workshop on the Deformation at the Intersection Between Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanic Processes | (smr 4108)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Nuclear Knowledge Management School | (smr 4109)
Joint ICTP-IAEA School on Detector Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Scientific Instrumentation and Reconfigurable Computing | (smr 4110)
Workshop on the Use GNSS Data for Ionospheric Monitoring and Modelling | (smr 4140)
Workshop on Reference Dosimetry in External Beam Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy | (smr 4111)
IOM-CNR Workshop | (smr H704)
International Beacon Satellite Symposium 2025 | (smr 4068)
Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine | (smr 4112)
School and Workshop in Number Theory and Physics | (smr 4162)
Advanced School and Conference on Quantum Matter | (smr 4114)
Joint ICTP-IAEA School of Nuclear and Radiological Leadership for Safety | (smr 4113)
*** CANCELLED *** Workshop on Quantitative Approaches to Tissue Regeneration | (smr 4115)
Events Archive
Faezeh Khodabandehlou (KU Leuven Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica, Belgium)
QLS Seminar - Nonequilibrium calorimetry - Part 2 - Advanced
Faezeh Khodabandehlou (KU Leuven Instituut voor Theoretische Fysica, Belgium)
QLS Seminar - Nonequilibrium calorimetry - Part 1 - Introduction
Kelian Häring (Amsterdam University)
HECAP Seminar - From Data to the Analytic S-Matrix
TWAS Steering Committee Meeting | (smr H708)
2025 ICO/ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award Ceremony
First Special Holonomy and Special Metrics in Math & Physics Seminar
Trieste System Optical Sciences and Applications (TSOSA) board meeting | (smr 4133)
Oceanography Unveiled - OGS Seminar 1: Global Change by Filippo Giorgi (ICTP, Emeritus) & Piero Lionello (UniSalento) | (smr H705)
Prof. A. Marco Saitta (IMPMC - Sorbonne Université, CNRS, MNHN, Paris, France)
CMSP Seminar (Atomistic Simulation Seminar Series): Machine learning approaches in origins of life studies
Winter College on Optics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Metamaterials and Metasurfaces | (smr 4058)
Georg Oberdieck, University of Heidelberg
Orthogonal quasimodular forms, theta lifts and enumerative geometry
Alberto Biella (CNR-INO)