
ICTP hosts famous mathematician

Professor Vladimir I. Arnold to give 2 lectures while in Trieste

Professor Vladimir I. Arnold, one of the world's best mathematicians, will hold 2 lectures at ICTP during a brief stay at the Centre:

Thursday, 19 March, 14:00: "Statistics of random mappings of finite sets"

Tuesday, 31 March, 14:00: "Are the quadratic residues random numbers?"

Professor Arnold, who once claimed "Mathematics is the part of physics where experiments are cheap," is a member of at least 10 world-renowned scientific societies and has published more than 300 articles and 20 books. He is best known for the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theorem regarding the stability of integrable Hamiltonian systems. However, he has also made important contributions in dynamical systems theory, catastrophe theory, topology, algebraic geometry, classical mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, and singularity theory.

In 1981, the minor planet 10031 Vladarnolda was named after him.

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