
Vacancy for Editor

The African Physical Review (APR) is inviting applications for the position of its editor

The African Physical Review (APR) is inviting applications for the position of its editor. The editor shall be an internationally recognized theoretical or experimental physicist, who is living and working in Africa or of African origin if residing abroad, and who has a deep understanding of science in Africa and the problems faced by the African science community in science dissemination. The person must be highly motivated to help the African scientists.  The position is honorary and does not foresee permanent presence in Trieste, Italy.

The African Physical Review (APR), published by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), is a free, on-line, peer reviewed, international journal that publishes reviews, research articles, and brief communications in all branches of experimental and theoretical physics and related interdisciplinary fields. It was created to satisfy the demand of a critical mass of African scientists who produce good quality publications, but were unable to find high quality journals in home countries meeting international standards. The quality of scientific material being published by APR is overseen by an international editorial board consisting of eminent scientists, including a Nobel Laureate. One goal of the journal is to assist competent African scientists to become more proficient in writing scientific papers.

The APR editor shall actively solicit and encourage high quality research submissions, solicit and oversee the pool of manuscript reviewers, and interact with Associate Editors and members of the Board. The Editor shall be responsible for editorial activity of the African Physical Review and work closely with the Managing Editor.

In particular, the editor shall decide the worthiness of all manuscripts for further considerations such as peer review and editorial processing. He (or she) shall communicate with Associate Editors and members of the Board if the submission is accepted for further considerations, or when a submission is rejected, communicate to the authors the reason for rejection along with the report of peer review. If the submission requires revision, the editors shall communicate to principal author the reason and the requirements of revision and shall approve the revision alone or with the help of an associate editor.

Selected candidates will be invited to ICTP for an interview. Please send your CV and a covering letter describing your suitability for this position to:

Professor K. Tahir Shah
Managing Editor
The African Physical Review (

Publishing Date