New features of an integrated regional climate model, monsoon
variability, climate and health, earthquakes, and the ionosphere of
Mars were just some of the topics presented by ICTP scientists at
this year's European Geosciences Union's General Assembly, which
ran from 3 to 8 April in Vienna, Austria.
Several members of ICTP's Earth System Physics (ESP) section,
along with members of the Centre's Aeronomy and Radiopropagation
Laboratory (ARPL) and the Applied Physics sections, took part in
the week-long event.
At a standing-room-only session on regional climate modelling and
impacts, ESP section head Filippo Giorgi presented the latest
version of the regional climate model system RegCM. He outlined the
new features of the model, which include a tropical band version,
coupling with a regional ocean model, inclusion of full gas-phase
chemistry, upgrades of some physics schemes (convection, PBL, cloud
microphysics) and development of a non-hydrostatic dynamical
In separate sessions, ESP scientist Fred Kucharski spoke on the
'Contribution of east-west thermal heating contrast to the South
Asian Monsoon and consequences for its variability', while ICTP
Applied Physics scientist Julian Chela Flores talked about
'Evolutionary biomarkers on the icy Galilean satellites: from
bacteria to metazoans'.
The oral presentations were complemented by a rich array of poster
sessions, where ESP was represented by several staff scientists, as
was the ARPL section.
For more details about the meeting, visit the EGU General Assembly