ICTP and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI),
Ontario, Canada, have taken steps to boost scientific knowledge
exchange and collaboration between their researchers.
On 15 April, ICTP Director Fernando Quevedo and PI Director Neil
Turok signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote progress in
all research areas of common interest, to build academic ties and
to collaborate on outreach programmes for the promotion of science
at the international level.
Among other points, the agreement encourages exchanges between
postdoctoral fellows, advanced PhD students and faculty
researchers, for extended visits of two to four weeks. Moreover,
the two institutes will collaborate to organise workshops and
schools on subjects of common interest and funding will be provided
on an equal basis.
The agreement was signed during a UNESCO conference titled
'Africa: the Choice of Science, the AIMS (African Institute for
Mathematical Sciences) Initiative', held at UNESCO headquarters in
Paris on 14 and 15 April.
PI, which was founded in 1999, focuses on theoretical physics
research like ICTP. Some of the broad common research interests
between the two institutes include quantum gravity, superstring
theory, cosmology and gravitation, and particle physics.