
World Science Day for Peace and Development

Science for global sustainability
World Science Day for Peace and Development

November 10 is World Science Day for Peace and Development, and this year the theme is Science for global sustainability: interconnectedness, collaboration, transformation. The World Science Day for Peace and Development was declared as an annual event in the 2001 UNESCO General Conference.


The aim of this celebration is to highlight the importance of the role of science and scientists for sustainable societies and also to inform and involve citizens in science.


In her message for the occasion Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General, says, "In order to succeed, we must train today the researchers of tomorrow in greater numbers. We must also place science at the service of all, while observing the fundamental rights of the individual. Above all, we must open a new chapter in scientific integration."


Complete details and the UNESCO Director-General's statement on the World Science Day can be found on the UNESCO World Science Day for Peace and Development page.


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