Shyam S. Nandwani, a participant of ICTP's Training and Research
in Italian Laboratories (TRIL) programme and a former ICTP
Associate, has been honoured by his home institute, Universidad
Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica, for his work in promoting his field
of research, solar energy.
Nandwani has been very active in promoting and disseminating
different and practical techniques for the use of solar energy, in
particular in developing countries. He is coordinator of the Solar
Energy Laboratory in the Universidad Nacional's Department of
Nandwani has attended numerous ICTP conferences and workshops, in
addition to his current affiliation with TRIL, through which he has
performed research at Department of Mechanics and Aeronautics at
Sapienza University of Rome and at the Interuniversity Research
Centre on Sustainable Development.
"I am thankful to ICTP for providing me the opportunities to visit
Trieste, where I could concentrate to analyse my experimental data,
consult the latest literature, write parts of research papers and
think of better ways to promote the uses of solar energy for
different sectors, including educational, rural communities and the
general public," said Nandwani.
Home Honours for TRIL Fellow
Solar energy researcher cited for promotion of science
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