
Boosting Scientific Education In Nigeria

ICTP and UNESCO to organise a scientific education week
Boosting Scientific Education In Nigeria

ICTP's Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) is collaborating with UNESCO and the University of Nigeria to organise a scientific education week at the International Institute of Biotechnology, Nsukka, Nigeria. The programme will include three workshops on Scientific m-Learning, Global Microscience Experiments and the Global Water Experiment and an exhibition on the topic of "Water" to mark the International Year of Water Cooperation.

The SDU has worked with UNESCO's Natural Sciences Sector to prepare the programme for the  Scientific m-Learning workshop. Among the lecturers will be ICTP's Clement Onime who is part of the Information & Communication Technology Section at the Centre; he and ICTP researcher Carlo Fonda have prepared a lecture titled "Trends in mobile and electronic learning systems for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics".

This workshop is based on the first training activity held in Trieste in 2012 by UNESCO-SDU, and it aims to inform the academic community in developing countries about the latest mobile technology providing educational possibilities, and the creation of scientific applications for mobile devices.

The SDU has been involved in m-Learning and has been looking at how mobile technology can be used in powerful new ways to deliver scientific education to developing countries.

The complete details for the activity can be found on the UNESCO webpage.


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