ICTP's Applied Physics (AP) section seeks applications from outstanding young scientists for a postdoctoral position in the area of computational modelling of functional oxide interfaces and of two-dimensional materials. The research is carried out in relation with experimental activities, and will include the application of first-principles methods to address:
- multiferroic coupling properties at oxides interfaces;
- electronic and spin properties of selected two-dimensional materials, including transition-metal dichalcogenides, and their interfaces.
The appointment is for one year, with the possibility of renewal for one more year, and is expected to start in February or March 2018. Candidates should have a PhD degree in physics, or in a closely related field, and have experience with ab-initio density-functional methods and their applications. Priority will be given to candidates who have obtained their Ph.D after 2013.
ICTP offers internationally competitive remuneration which will depend on the research experience of the candidate.
Candidates should apply using the ICTP online application system. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. The application deadline is 31 December 2017.
Contact: computationalap@ictp.it