Supporting excellence in developing countries to help bridge the global knowledge divide is a key element of ICTP's mission. Over the years, ICTP has bridged this divide for more than 180,000 scientists from 188 countries. Senegal is one such country; recent events at ICTP have spotlighted the profound impact of the Centre on science and mathematics in the African country.
This year, Senegalese mathematician Mouhamed Moustapha Fall won the DST-ICTP-IMU Ramanujan Prize, which is awarded every year to one outstanding young researcher in the mathematical sciences from the developing world. Fall is currently president of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Senegal, and was previously a Postgraduate Diploma student and Simon’s Associate at ICTP.
Fall is one of several Senegalese mathematicians trained at ICTP who have met great success in their careers. With this in mind, a new video highlights the impact ICTP has had on mathematics research in Senegal. A range of Senegalese mathematicians, several of whom are graduates of the ICTP Postgraduate Diploma Programme, talk of the effect ICTP has had on their careers.
“ICTP is one of the main places, I would say, in the world, in which people from developing countries can come and stay in a very good environment to do research.” Mouhamed Moustapha Fall, Senegalese winner of the 2022 DST-ICTP-IMU Ramanujan Prize.
Khadim War, who is now a Professor of Mathematics at Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) in Brazil, talks of the nature of the ICTP environment. “ICTP has played an important role in opening my mind to mathematics, and science in general,” says War, who returned to ICTP years after graduating from the Diploma Programme to hold a Simon’s Associate position.
Former ICTP Associate Mamadou Sy, who is now the Director of Strategies and Research Planification for the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Senegal, discusses a paradigm shift in the country. “Senegal has understood the importance of basic science, and particularly mathematics,” says Sy. “My various stays in the Centre have enabled me to broaden my collaborations and discover new research topics.”
Mabouba Diagne, Vice-President of Finance and Corporate Services at ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development, highlights the international aspect of ICTP. “ICTP has helped me and has sharpened my scientific work and enhanced my career by putting me into the international arena,” says Diagne. “Without ICTP, I would not get there.”
Macky Sall, the President of Senegal, speaks of the effect ICTP has had on mathematics in Senegal, saying “I would like to pay tribute to the efforts made by your Centre to stimulate and create emulation between young mathematicians from developing countries and distinguishing the best among them.”