
ICTP at TriesteNext 2024

Science takes center stage at annual festival
ICTP at TriesteNext 2024

Trieste, Italy's "City of Knowledge", will once again host the annual TriesteNext science festival from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 September 2024. Now in its 13th edition, the event brings science and innovation to the public, through hundreds of exhibits, talks, debates and hands-on activities. The theme of this year's event is "The Horizons of Intelligence: Knowledge and the Human-Technology Frontier".

ICTP, along with other local science institutes, will have an exhibit in the festival's Science Village at Piazza Unità for the duration of the event. There, ICTP physicists and mathematicians will engage with the public to showcase the wonders of science and mathematics. 

In addition, ICTP is hosting two panel discussions during the weekend, both of which will be in English. Details are below; admission is free, but seats are limited and should be booked ahead of time at the links provided.

Saturday 28 September, 16:30 to 17:45:

Tackling Global Challenges Using AI

Location: Urban Center, Corso Cavour, 2/2

Environmental sensing and wearable health-management tools are just some of the applications resulting from the combined use of increasingly available low-cost sensors and Artificial Intelligence. This panel discussion, comprising experts in the field of machine learning, and of the wide range of applications that their implementation on small and affordable devices leads to, will delve into the societal impact of these rapidly-growing technologies, with an eye on the ethical and social aspects of this disruptive technology.


  • Eiman Kanjo, Nottingham Trent University, UK
  • Teresa Scantamburlo, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • Marco Zennaro, ICTP


  • Serafina Di Gioia, ICTP

Sunday 29 September, 18:00 to 19:15:

Climate and Energy: A Global Balance (A special event marking ICTP's 60th anniversary)

Location: Area Talk 2

How do we affect the climate? And how can we ensure a sustainable development? The first part of this event (in Italian) features a game on the interaction between human activity and the carbon cycle, created and conducted by ICTP and CNR scientist Rita Nogherotto. By becoming carbon atoms, participants will understand the mechanisms underlying climate change and what needs to be done to protect the planet. In the second part of the event (in English), climate change experts will discuss the connection between human activity and our planet and the need for a sustainable balance between lower carbon emissions and growth, especially in the Global South.


  • Filippo Giorgi, ICTP
  • Mark Howells, Climate Compatible Growth Programme, UK
  • Florence Colleoni, OGS


  • Rudi Bressa, science journalist

 We invite the ICTP community to explore this exciting event, where science takes center stage. TriesteNext 2024 is open during the following times:

  • Friday 27 September: from noon to 22:00
  • Saturday 28 September: from 10:00 to 22:00
  • Sunday 29 September: from 10:00 to 20:00


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