ICTP is keeping up with the times and the needs and browsing habits of its web audience. And so, we have come up with a brand-new layout and some additional features for the website.
For one, the website is now responsive, i.e., it will display correctly on larger computer screens as well as mobile devices. Another change is better access to multimedia content: now, the text, photo, and video can all be easily accessed from the homepage.
The quick-links to the Marie Curie Library, ICTP.tv, Intranet, Webmail, Media Centre, and Phonebook are now neatly packaged into the "buttons" icon in the top grey navigation bar next to "Support ICTP", "About ICTP" and "Visit ICTP". Links to the ICTP social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube) are also on the top grey navigation bar.
The homepage now features an "FAQs" section and an area for upcoming deadlines.
We will endeavor to keep improving your online experience! Happy browsing!