ICTP has been helping build science foundations in every corner of the world for the past fifty years, and the latest issue of Nature carries a news feature highlighting this aspect.
In the article "Developing world: Far-flung physics", science writer Katia Moskvitch looks at ICTP's role in stemming brain drain from developing countries, outlines the Centre's history, and writes about how it is evolving to meet the scientific and educational needs of the developing world.
By taking a look at the life of condensed matter researcher Narayan Adhikari, a national of Nepal, Moskvitch gives an insight into how ICTP can positively impact science in developing countries. A former ICTP diploma student, Adhikari is now a professor at Tribhuvan University (TU), Nepal, and also a regular associate at ICTP. His association with ICTP has not only helped him in his research career but also helped build a stronger physics community at TU and Nepal.
ICTP Director Fernando, who spoke to Moskvitch, gives an insight into some future directions that the Centre will be taking, including setting up of partner institutes in other countries. The complete article can be accessed from the Nature website and it is also available for download (pdf format).