
quantum computing

Martina Stella, ICTP long-term visiting scientist
How ICTP long-term visitor Martina Stella has forged an innovative career path for herself in…
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP scientists use advanced data analysis techniques to make network theory help us create better…
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP 60th anniversary celebration, Atish Dabholkar speaking
Celebrating 60 Years of Science Without Borders
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
Portrait of Peter Zoller
Dirac Medallist Peter Zoller Zoller is interviewed by Atish Dabholkar, Director of ICTP, and by…
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
International symposium on scientific computing
Global experts to discuss the future of scientific computing at ICTP symposium with key…
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
Open Quantum Institute - logo
The Open Quantum Institute, of which ICTP is a partner, accepts submission of use cases
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Rosario Fazio, Head of CMSP Section
ICTP’s CMSP section explores various key areas of theoretical condensed matter physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP proudly presents the Dirac Conversations
"Dirac Conversations" features interviews with renowned scientists who have made major…
High Energy, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Earth System Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Science, Technology and Innovation
ICTP partners with Open Quantum Institute
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
ICTP-Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon
ICTP-Quantinuum international quantum computing event wraps up with a prize-giving
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
ICTP-Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon
International teams join the week-long ICTP-Quantinuum coding event
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Quantitative Life Sciences
Quantum Collaboration
Trieste Science Centres to Inaugurate Quantum Technologies Institute
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics