Europhysics Letters (2024)
Davide Venturelli | Sarah A. M. Loos | Benjamin Walter | Édgar Roldán | Andrea Gambassi
Annalen der Physik (2024)
Costantino Di Bello | Rita Majumdar | Rahul Marathe | Ralf Metzler | Édgar Roldán
Indian Journal of Physics (2024)
Yonathan Sarmiento | Debraj Das | Édgar Roldán
Advances in Physics (2023)
Édgar Roldán | Izaak Neri | Raphael Chetrite | Shamik Gupta | Simone Pigolotti | Frank Jülicher | Ken Sekimoto
Pedro E. Harunari | Annwesha Dutta | Matteo Polettini | Édgar Roldán
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2022)
Heydar Hamzi | Ali Rajabpour | Édgar Roldán | Ali Hassanali
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.14683 (2022)
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.09983 (2022)
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.07427 (2022)
Theory of Probability and Its Applications (2022)
Journal of theoretical biology (2021)
The European Physical Journal E (2021)
New Journal of Physics (2021)
Physical Review Letters (2021)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2021)