I obtained my PhD in Physics cum laude at the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (University of Padova, Italy) under the supervision of Amos Maritan and Samir Suweis, with a particular focus on how the physics of phase transition and critical systems can be applied to the study of living systems. I then moved to the ECHO lab (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) for a postdoc with Andrea Rinaldo, before joining ICTP.
My work at a glance
My main research interest is the Statistical Physics of Complex Systems and its theoretical and multidisciplinary applications. With many collaborators, we are currently working on understanding how biological and artificial agents process information to make decisions in complex and stochastic environments. Our goal is to seek universal principles that can be applied across different scales, from biochemical to neural networks, exploiting ideas from Information Theory and general tools from machine learning.
During my postdoc at EPFL, I became particularly interested in developing spatial metapopulation models through the lenses of Statistical Physics. By studying ecological systems in arbitrary network topologies, we seek to understand how dispersal affects survival, coexistence, and dynamics of competitive metacommunities in complex landscapes.