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Marie Curie Library

The Marie Curie Library counts among the top research libraries in Europe. It provides high-quality resources and services to support scientific research and teaching in fields ranging from High Energy Physics to Earth System Physics. The Library preserves and curates documentation on the institutional history and runs programmes aimed at the dissemination of scientific literature in least developed countries.
The Library is open to scientists, students and staff of the ICTP, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), the Department of Physics of the University of Trieste and the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA).
External visitors interested in consulting the Library collections, researchers from other scientific institutions or university students may apply for access by contacting the Librarian (Monday to Friday 8:30 - 16:30).
Reference assistance is available in person or by phone. The Library offers computer terminals, institutional wi-fi, facilities for printing, copying and scanning bibliographic material, and document-delivery service.